Sunday I woke up to 2 degree weather and a 5K run on my morning agenda. I signed up a few weeks ago to run the Jingle Bell walk/run at Wash Park, for the Arthritis Foundation. At that time, I knew the weather could potentially be bad, but I didn't really know what I was getting myself into.

(proof of the temps on the car thermometer)

Wash Park always looks beautiful, but the steam rising up off the north pond gave it a rather eerie feel this morning. It's not quite frozen over yet and the geese and ducks are still swimming about. I thought they were supposed to fly south for the winter.

(All bundled up and ready to run)

There is a costume contest as part of the festivities. This dog won "best costume" in the dog category. He made me wish I had someone to carry me around the trail in a blanket.

(Jingle bells on my shoes, hence, "the Jingle Bell run")

The run wasn't bad, but the cold air was so tough to breath. I managed to keep pace at about a 10 minute mile, which is about my average. I felt like I was running a lot slower though, with all of the layers of clothes on. I think I finished the run in just under 31 minutes.

I can say this about the experience...I am always happy when I am finished with a run, but never quite as happy as I was when this one was over.

Team Photo - Emily's brother, Emily, Josh, Geoff and Dave.
17th annual Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis
Arthritis Foundation