Visiting the folks in Mazatlan for a week. Last night we had dinner at Playa Bruja and I had a huge plate full of shrimp ceviche...YUM! The sunset wasn't too bad either. Today we drove up to Concordia, a small village outside of Mazatlan, to check out some hand made wooden furniture for their new house that will be under construction soon. We had lunch at a little restaurant near the square and managed a tab for under $11 for the three of us, including some SOL cervezas! Can't beat the price. Unfortunately the Cruise ships are in town today and the village was overrun by gringos everywhere! We were lucky their tour busses were on a time schedule and they were leaving the restaurant just as we arrived.
1 comment:
They're EVERYWHERE I tell ya! ;)
Well HELLO THERE Ms. Amber! :) You probably didn't think THIS GUY would be following your newly created Blogspot en tu vaca to Mexico, DID YA? WRONG! I must admit, although it is 2007, I have yet to ever really follow a blog. It certainly is cool to follow you around, though I almost feel like I’m STALKING YOU. {Insert creepy stalker voice here} “Heh, heh…I wonder where Amber is…what’s she doing? Where IS she? What’s she wearing? Oooh, wow, what a pretty green shirt and new haircut in that posted picture…heh, heh…it puts the lotion on its skin…” ;-)
I’m sure I’ll get over this blog stalking feeling soon enough. After all, you DID send me the link! ;)
Nice pic w/ Dad! It sounds like you are having a FANTASTIC time in the Mexico sun and surf (Of course, I wouldn't expect ANYTHING LESS of YOU;-)). YUM! Your talk of {for best results, say the next 2 words in a “Bubba Gump” voice} “shrimp ceviche” makes me HUNGRY! I imagine it’s MUCH better than the stuff at Ra, but I must say that it was oddly good. I suppose it was the bittersweet limey (Is "limey" a word?), yet unusual taste that makes me crave some more, for some strange reason. Eleven bucks for beer AND food for the three of you??? NICE! Hell, I’ll be down there tomorrow, considering I paid $8 for a margarita just last night!
Those DAMN TOURIST GRINGOS are EVERYWHERE because of the DAMN GRINGO PRICES up here!! Hell, I’M MOVING TO MEXICO! I’ll see you down there tomorrow!!! :-)
Thanks for the post and keep on having fun!!!
Mr. F
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