Tuesday, May 22, 2007

F Gas Prices - Ride a Bike

Are you tired of gas prices going up and your wallet suffering the consequences?

Are you tired of forwarded e-mails that tell you to not buy gas at Mobil and Exxon?

Are you tired of the lame e-mails that tell all of America not to buy gas on one particular day so that gas companies will suffer and magically lower their prices??

I may not be a major CEO of a major company that will try to impress you with my status or where I work. I am simply a logical girl with some common sense.

America - don't spend so much on gas - get out there and ride a bike! Buy a more fuel economic car. Move closer to your work. Walk to the store. Walk to your mailbox. Take the dog with you and get that poor puppy some exercise. Share a ride. Take the bus. Bust out your rollerblades. Carpool. Driving less = spending less.

Figure out a way to have a smaller eco-footprint and save yourself some money at the same time. The added bonus is that you will be healthier by getting outside and giving your body some probably well needed physical activity.

F the gas prices. We all agree they are ridiculous! They may NEVER go down. Don't drive as much they won't have such an impact on your wallet. It's working for me. It's not easy, but at least it is something I do have control over.


stashu said...

Dear Amber,

Those are my feelings also, of corse I do not have a commute anymore so it dose not effect me as much as the average American.

But I do see the up side to all of it, people thinking before driving and small cars will be the norm rather then the large SUV's and gas guzzling trucks. Cleaner air and less congestion on the streets.

Hope your injoying your life? All fine here in sunny California.

Best to your Crew.


Anonymous said...

Great work.