MANY BULAS! cheers in Fiji
Everyone who has been to
Fiji will tell you that to really experience Fiji you need to get off of the main island of Viti Levu and go to the outer islands. Now that I've been there, I agree completely. There are so many little islands to choose from, so after a few hours and days of conbut I decided to head to Taveuni, the garden Island of Fiji.
Taveuni is known for its beauty and excellent scuba diving. The island lies just north and east of Viti Levu, about 1 hour in a tiny plane that seats 15. After I landed I walked about 15 minutes down the road to a little place called Beverly's Campground. A small campground right on the beach where they set you up with a tent, throw a matress, pillow and sheets inside, all fro $15 Fijian, which is a little over $10 a night US. I felt like I'd found a little slice of heaven and watched the sunset from my front yard.

Fiji has over 300 islands in its archipelago, each fringed with coral reefs and lapped by warm azure waters - the diving and snorkelling are superb. Amid its wealth of natural beauty, Fiji's true magic lies in its people and the fascinating blend of their diverse cultures.
Fiji is an interesting blend of Melanesian,
Polynesian, Micronesian,
Indian, Chinese and European influences. For nearly 50 years, until the military coup of 1987 and the Indian emigration that followed it, the indigenous people of Fiji represented an ethnic minority in their own land.
A military coup took place in Fiji on Dec 5, 2006 and the army is now in control of the country. The situation is calm and generally safe but it could deteriorate. I talked to locals who expressed their frustration with the political climate, but as a traveler I felt extremly safe. Most Fijians told me they love tourists in their country because they are economically dependent upon tourism.
From the island of Taveuni I went Scuba Diving along the The
Rainbow Reef in the Somosomo Straights. This has to be the most beautiful dive I have ever done. The
coral life in Fiji is amazing with beautiful colors and a wide variety of coral types. I will definitely come back to Fiji again just to dive.
Fiji is green and lush everywhere you look. All of the islands are covered in coconut palms, mango trees, breadfruit trees and there are beautiful beaches everywhere. The islands are surrounded by the warmest turquoise waters.

From Taveuni I took a three hour boat ride out to an even smaller island called Nanuku. I thought I had found heaven when I arrived on Taveuni until I reached Nanuku. Nanuku is a small island surrounded by the whitest sand beaches all the way around the perimiter. The center of the island is covered in lush green trees which provide a nice respite from the hot, hot sun. The waters surrounding the island are a plethora of blues, greens and turquoises. There are two houses on the island, one for the care taker, a guy named Dom from Colorado, and one for guests. I was only on the island for a short while, but it has earned a place in my heart as one of the most beautiful places I've been to.

I love Fiji!