Alex and one of his roommates.
My dive trip was great and I was impressed with how well I felt getting in the water again after over a year since my last dive. This was my first shore dive and the first dive I swam with a white reef tip shark. He must have been about 5 feet long, unfortunately the photos of him didn't turn out...but here are some others,

This is a frog fish...almost impossible to spot as he blends right into the rocks! The dive master spotted him for us.

Alex and I did pick one night to party hard and stay up until sunrise...not too far fetched for me every now and then, Sunrise was beautiful as we watched it from two chairs across the street from his house.
Alex and I went out one night and met a great group of people from Orange County California. We hing out most of the night and went back to their hotel for an all night session of Guitar Hero which I absoluty loved. For those of you who don't know, this is a video game that you play with plastic guitars and you strum along to popular songs. I was immediatly addicted as you can imagine! They invited us over the next night for a BBQ at their hotel.
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