A railroad line was constructed on this slope in 1907 to aid in construction of a hydroelectric plant, and later used to take visitors to an overlook of the town.
The trail boasts 2,011 feet in elevation gain and is a booty kicker, but the views at the top are worth every quad burning step. The trail is not published in hiking books because the majority of it is on private property. A sign at the bottom blindly states "No Tresspassing" as thousands of eager hikers make the treck up annually.
I stopped several times on the way up to take in the view (my excuse for taking a break to catch my breath). The steepness of the trail was dizzying and looking down while taking a breather made things worse.
We did make it to the top and I was elated. There is nothing quite like the feeling of accomplishment, especially when you are facing something that hes defeated you before. There is also nothing quite like the feeling of finishing a difficult physical task and having your endorphins pump through your system. It turned out to be a beautiful day and a beautiful hike. The goal of the 14er is inching closer - step by step.
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
~John Muir
Nice pics. Looking all hot and sexy, showing some leg...He must work out.
seriously - nice pics
Does Justin own any shirts? ;)
Does Justin own any shirts? ;)
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