Sunday, August 03, 2008

Mohawk Lake - Spruce Creek Trail

Last week the girls (Sheila, Cindy, Kelly and Cass) and I - and a dog named Bowe - headed up to Breckenridge to hike the Spruce Creek Trail up to Mohawk lake. Cindy picked out the hike and let me just say - that girls got talent when it comes to finding beautiful places to hike! Days like these make me happy to be livin'.

Bowe (the best dog ever) and I - checkin' out the Falls.

Sheila collects heart rocks...this one was too big to carry home!

A swimmin' hole for Bowe - you'd think that boy was a fish the way he loves water!

She and Cass - happy smiles : )

View of lower Mohawk Lake
Colorado Rocky Mountain High

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awe, that looks so nice! I'm jealous!