After a brief blogging break (say that three times fast), here are a few update pics from this past winter...

My first day of skiing this winter was up at Keystone. I went with a group and luckily they were all nice enough to wait for me every few hundred yards as it took me 10 times as long to make it down the hill as the rest of them. This is a pic of Josh and I up at the top.

I learned how to wax my own skis...which I must say makes me feel pretty cool. I've been up skiing 8 times this winter, which is decent. I wanted to make it up at least 10 or 12 times, so maybe I can get in one or two more days before the snow is gone.

This is a pic of me...I think in Breckenridge. I've been up to Breckenridge, Keystone, A-Basin, Mary Jane and Vail so far this year. The scenery...although beautiful....starts to all look similar in pictures and I forget which picture is from which mountain. The views are so amazing sometimes, that I forget to pay attention to skiing because I am so caught up in the scenery. Then, sometimes, I am so busy skiing that I don't have time to stop and take pictures.

I love riding ski lifts. They are so relaxing. Now when I have trouble sleeping I try to imagine counting lift chairs passing instead of counting sheep.
Also....Josh took me to a Nuggets Game,

My friend Jen came to visit,

and we had a going away party for Sheila who moved back to AZ.

The weather has been in the 60's and is supposed to be int he 70's next week. We have had one of the warmest, driest winters in Denver's history. Although I had a great winter, I am excited for spring. I've got lots of hikes stay tuned for beautiful Colorado pics!
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